Category: Book review

  • The War of Art

    The War of Art

    I don’t want to write this post. I am facing Resistance. What stands out to me about this book is the concept of Resistance Resistance is what blocks you from doing what you truly need to do. It’s malicious, shifty, and sly. It gives all the wonderful and sound reasons…

  • Popular books that I don’t like

    Popular books that I don’t like

    Every media type have some popular content that I don’t enjoy. That applies to books as well. The reason could be that the book’s content doesn’t match its purpose. Personal preference is subjective, and in this post, I will talk about my subjective view of these books. The Little PrinceThe…

  • The Alchemist – Discussion

    The Alchemist – Discussion

    This article contains spoilers about the content of the book. I first read this book in the 10th grade, during the time when I was also reading “Tony Morning”. Back then, after finishing the book, I felt incredibly motivated. The story revolves around the adventurous journey of a boy named…

  • Review the CATCHER in the RYE

    Review the CATCHER in the RYE

    A book with an obscure title – “The Catcher in the Rye.” I like the book a lot, to the degree that I have read both the Vietnamese translation and the original English version. What struck me most about the novel is its strange use of profanity. Unlike typical novels…

  • Review The Kybalion

    Review The Kybalion

    This book was quite challenging for me, given of my atheistic beliefs, and limited understanding of occultism. Despite these hurdles, I felt an intuition that there might be some transformative insights within its pages. In essence, the book posits a theological hypothesis suggesting that our reality is a mental creation…

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